Marakani Dinakar
Magazine : Viswajanani
Language : English
Volume Number : 13
Month : July
Issue Number : 12
Year : 2014

Oftentimes, the individual seeks grace, or GOD’S intervention in his personal life. It could be to tide over a difficult patch, fulfill some pent up need, or mitigate his suffering arising for whatever reason or cause. While doing so he submits his pleas citing his identity or the so – called credentials of his pedigree. Thus counts on divine mercy and even instant redress. Not unlikely relief is granted at times, some other times it is delayed or even denied.

Yet in all such supplications the person’s concern and intensity of prayer persist as evident in most of our temples. Does the very same person think of others? Even for a moment does he ever bother himself with the strife, struggle and turmoil of those around him? More importantly does such larger concern and care for the fellow men ever seep into his prayers? Not quite so.

Even so, any individual is a member of the society or community. As well observed by the early Greek philosopher Aristotle, man is a social animal. He is very much part and parcel of the larger society and the wider community of which he is a member with little choice. Also the woes, privations, depravations of the larger fraternity also affect him not in the slightest degree, though it does not register in his immediate personal awareness.

No man is an island unto himself to be happy on his own and be content with his personal lot. The larger scenario affects  its negative elements or aspects as we are witnessing in the present times.

Much more so, the general deterioration can cause social ills. Or create issues like pollution, eco deterioration which even affect the subsequent generations or our own children. Compulsive truth is that the person is an integral part of the society and shall be seized of the major common weal. This is the much needed altruism to be fostered and cherished by everyone and anyone.

The individual shall tread, move on the inner path within. That is from the self to the no self, from individual to the universal and from the personal to the societal or communal. Larger issues of general well being and happiness need to register within his mindset. When such thinking dawns within the individual begins to address the self to the macro issues of social good and common weal. In a slow transition they might even percolate or permeate into his personal, individual prayers within the sanctum. Such a persistent approach from the individual shall benefit him through the scaling up from the lowly petty self to the level of consciousness that uplifts him altogether. Such a process even refines his person and jones up the capability bringing success and personal betterment too.

If so, how the individual’s personal ends are fulfilled. Logically when the person elevates himself to the lofty care of the wider community, his good or well being verily consists in the larger good. Such wider catholicity shall serve his ends too and is consistent with personal good. Our rituals and worships in the sanctum shall transcend from the purely personal to the universal.

In this respect, it is pertinent to observe our ancients too well regarded this crucial need when we read or listen to the chants in our scriptures that include supplications for larger peace, harmony and well being of all the species in the universe and the overall ambience, but for which mere personal good gets empty. Such verses are contained in our completion of the rituals, for instance in the “Manthra Pushpam”. These are like “Loka Samastha Sukhino bhavanthu”, “Channo Dwipade, Chan Chatushpathe…. Santhi, Santhi” and all.

Yet these tenets recede into the background in our progressively materialistic life, remaining as mere verbal utterances, to the point values deteriorated virtually, let alone the lofty issue of common good and all. This is the compulsion for an altruistic mindset in the modern scenario.

AMMA addressed this well in HER message mostly. AMMA said SHE will be emaciated if others do not eat. To paraphrase HER words in the vernacular on this issue “Meeru Thinakapothe Nenu Chikkipothanu”. Quite touching words are these.

Further AMMA said HER ceaseless concerns are to care for more of HER children and ever more in every respect. AMMA’S wider empathy covered every aspect of human life like food, clothing, education, medical care, relief, also even privation and suffering. These issues SHE addressed ceaselessly, without respite. AMMA staked HER all; personal comfort, possessions and even HER spouse and daughter were made offerings to universal welfare on the plane of eternity. To be precise AMMA surrendered HER every bit or the entire life at the altar of ‘Altruism’.

Quite a few are AMMA’S aphorisms in which these aspects are stressed for the common man to emulate. Further AMMA harped upon living in peaceful, sharing, harmonious fraternity with little distinctions, of which the ‘HOUSE OF ALL’ at Jillellamudi is an epitome and a living, vibrant symbol for the outside world. For all times to come this conveys and exemplifies the spirit of peaceful, happy, harmonious coexistence for mankind with little barriers, sharing their mutual lot.

Furthermore, while AMMA is reigning in all HER radiant glory as the loving Universal Mother of All, of the entire existence, altruistic concerns and pleas, expressed in HER all pervasive, all permeating presence shall find true purport, as the experience till now suggests on quite a few human aspects of need.

The persuasion is that more and more individuals shall tread on such an  altruistic path to make this world a better place for the individual as also for others. Our intonations, rituals and fervent prayers shall cause and create room for such larger care and concern with true intent from within. To recall again AMMA in this context -“Divinity is but a sympathetic vibration towards the suffering.”

Such progressively changing personal outlook shall induce a much more just, egalitarian and value based society. Each one ever caring or even pining for the other person; and striving to cater to the needs of others. This certainly begets mutual fulfillment that obviously includes individual satisfaction and happiness too. To be more precise, work towards inducing a culture of universal welfare; or more closely the community welfare at the personal level. This gradual, phased inner path elevates the individual and fosters the right direction of value based transformation.

Here, this need not be confined to the individuals alone, but the spiritual, service organizations, their pontiffs, and other men of consequence shall add their bit.

This was succinctly put forth by AMMA in HER aphorism “Limited affiliations mark human nature; boundless affinity connotes divinity” (Parimithamina Mamakaram Manavatham; Sarvathranuragam Madhavathvam’meaning daivathvam).

This essence of ‘ALTRUISM’ is well contained in this aphorism besides several others. This sums up the entire gist of larger empathy for universal well being and common weal.

The imperative is to sublimate this view and enthrone this spirit and perspective of altruism in the daily, practical life in a truly pragmatic mode with less of verbal noise but a committed will backed by the true intent.

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