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Magazine : Matrusri English
Language : English
Volume Number : 1
Month : January
Issue Number : 8
Year : 1967

[Mother is one of the rar st manifestations of the Reality. Her words are as much a commentary of what She is as She is a living commentary of her own teachings. Such are some of her sayings given here: – Editor.]

  1. Experience can bestow theoretical knowledge; (5) theory cannot bestow Experience.
  2. Disputation with others is quarrel; disputation with oneself’ is yearning.
  3. Necessity itself is valuable
  4. That which is unbearable is pain; that which can’t be endured is violence.
  5. If food is Brahman, why not faeces?
  6. It is with the mind only that the mind can be cognised.
  7. Through cognition (of the mind), cognition (mind) should be annihilated.
  8. The perfection of the Sculptor’s work is the product of his hammer – blows
  9. He who can’t be reached even by searching is God.
  10. It is not correct to say ‘Ideal Love’; love itself is ideal.

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