[In this feature, we place before the readers, the profound yet lucid statements that Mother has made in the course of her discussions with her devoted children. The explanatory notes are intended for the non.- Telugu speaking readers and are our own and not Mother’s.
– Editor]
- Divinity does not mean (having) four arms and a crown!
- The mind which is free from all differentiation is itself Divinity.
- Knowledge itself is God.
- The Intelligence that has known everything is itself Knowledge.
- If Knowledge be Brahma, why not Ignorance ?
- He (God) is without a name because all names are His; He is formless because all forms are His: He is without any attributes because all attributes are His; He is free from ideas because Ideation itself is God.
- Release from Illusion is Brahman.
- Illusion means attachment.
- Attachment’ for some denotes human nature; attachment for all denotes Godhead.
- Creation is the Image of the Self.
- The Unity of Diversity is Creation.
- Destiny is the Way”
- Recognizing all as one is the Unification.
- Perfect Equanimity at all times and in all conditions is Samadhi.
- Universal Love is Viraga.
- Yearning for liberation is Liberation itself.
- Freedom from Imperfection is Kaivalya.
- That which is free from classes is Swarga.
Foot Notes
- Mamakar is the word used originally by Mather in her saying; it stands for possessiveness as different from Love which is Platonic, selfless.
- Vidhi is Vidhana are the words originally used by Her. Vidhi means one’s bounden duty, responsibility, fate: Vidhana stands for manner, the way, the means. The saying seems to mean that what the individual means by Karma is the same as fate, destiny or the Divine Will which decides the course of the way of things. The Vidhi (fate) of all individuals and creation is the same as Vidhana (way) of the Creator. To mould them in that particular way (Vidhana) is the Vidhi (Responsi bility) of the creator. Therefore is he called the Vidhata in Sanskrit. See the article entitled “The Pebbles on the Shore” in this volume. – Editor
- Unification is used here to stand for ‘Ekagrata’ which is usually mistranslated as concentration; it means one-pointedness of the mind. But Unification’ conveys the experience more closely or so it had been felt by us. – Editor
- ‘Viraga’. ‘Raga’ is attachment, fondness as opposed to ‘Dwesha’ or hatred; Viraga means absence of fondness for anything. Mother seems to imply that real Viraga or Vairagya or the State of non-attachment comes only when one can love all equally; this is possible when the man can love without expecting any reciprocation of even good sentiment; i. e.. when he loves for the love of God who is in all.
- Kaivalya means the Perfect state of Oneness, without a Second i.e.. “Godhood”.
- Swarga is usually taken to be synonymous with Heaven’ but strictly it denotes the highest form of uninterrupted happiness.