Marakani Dinakar
Magazine : Viswajanani
Language : Telugu
Volume Number : 21
Month : March
Issue Number : 8
Year : 2021

The human mind is ever full of feelings, emotions, ideas, thoughts, and all sorts of mundane issues. Such state of the mind ever subsists, as all these are unceasing, incessant causing multiple preoccupations which create the mindset one must live with, in the given life span. Much of this is his own creation. Often the outcome of the conducive ambience, the so-called environs in which he is placed.

The only exception to this state of being is the deep, dreamless sleep state referred to in our scriptures as the ‘Sushupthi’ much akin and closer to the blissful and verily desirable ‘Pragnana’. From out of this, every morning he wakes up to his given reality in life blissfully unaware.

As the person is endowed with the thinking faculty subject to the so-called reasoning ability which again is limited in scope and perception of which the individual is little aware. His extremely limited discretion and confined discrimination too affect this scenario obtaining within for each of us or for the many around.

Granting this scenario widely prevalent around us, human discernment, discretion, concepts, and perceptions form an offshoot of the said conditioning. All his understanding is set, limited, confined, and conditioned to this limited known arena which again is subject to the highly preset sensory apparatus. Prejudice, bias from such a known domain too sway all his understanding and given awareness.

Having said this, despite the well-drawn setting, the backdrop in which the human mind works, his thoughts get into this arena of awareness and known then only. Ordinarily he does not know from where the thoughts emerge, their source, causation, and their entry into his mind, till they occur, creeping into the so-called known domain. AMMA pronounced that thoughts are known only after they occur for anyone and not before they arise and enter within.

From all this needless baggage that one carries, the person shall be sensitive to some plane higher beyond the sensory, the mundane, material conditioning of his mind. The individual is obliged, rather persuaded to be sensitive to a higher call, induced towards the pure, unbiased, unconditioned, calling that is above all these bounds.

This is the pure intuition reaching, touching the human mind that is from a higher realm from the known. Well beyond the limited mindset that the person lives with day to day acting upon the same rightly or wrongly as the emanating experience suggests. This is the much desirable higher intuition.

This is from the unknown plane and not subject to the hitherto experience and its highly restricted conditionalities. This is the prompting from a higher source that is otherworldly way above the ordinary ideas that flee though the mind, rather float around aimlessly.

AMMA decreed, “Prompting is but GOD”. Here, prompting is but intuition of the pure, unconditioned plane that moves one to action at times. Such prompting in the ordinary language is said to be “Prerana”. To elaborate an inner call that arises and touches one not knowing its source or the cause of origin.

Despite our ignorance of this process, it emanates from the revered teacher wishing us well; the known deity that the person worships, could be well regarded as the cosmic intelligence, from which the supreme, overwhelming pure intuition arises, touching the human psyche.

AMMA further added, “Act as it occurs to you, for it is only ‘HE’ that prompts (or moves) you to action”. To paraphrase the same in AMMA’S inimitable Telugu “Thochindedo Cheyyi, Thopinchevadu Vadegada”. The prescription is that the individual is obliged to act, follow such pure intuition that is always well meaning, causing good.

As the individual grows from within the petty self to the higher plane inherently, he is subject more and more to such inner prompting. Such inner prompting is but pure intuition that is almost, always unerring, and positive to his being, his very existence.

The person gets increasingly ready to receive this inner calling though from above, getting ready to act accordingly. Rather implicitly comply, obey the inner prompting, the pure unmixed, unbiased intuition. Such preparedness is an inherent path that one shall cultivate and nurture.

This approach, effort shall be consistent, persist beyond all odds, the other distractions of ambient conditioning, reason, discretion, discernment, and his much-vaunted sense of discrimination. Let us say even the intensely limited introspection. The person shall do well to get over all these hurdles and prepare his inner core.

As he gets on to such a path and sets the course, he is more and more tuned to receive the ceaseless flow of intuition from the higher source of the Guru, the Divine Avatar, also from the infinite cosmic wisdom. AMMA being the perennial source of such infinity in all respects and all wonts of human life; ever responding to the needs of the living order, this creation, the universe in its totality.

In this mode the human being is summoned closer ever to the obedience of the divine diktat and live in conformity with the divine unfoldment, rather ordainment ever. Intrinsically he is but a receptacle of the divine will. Thus, being an instrument of the divine process to be actualized on this earth through him, the lesser mortal.

Pray AMMA BLESS us to be ever ready, prepared to receive such pure intuition, to be an effective instrument of Divine Will.

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