Realization of self is not academic. It is Atomic. Even the means and ways often discussed are mere verbal instructions.
Modern Philosophers, Clerics, Intellectuals and the like write volumes based on intellectual interpretations which often leads to confusion and leaves a mark of in-appropriation.
Even in the case of Arjuna, it is so, with Lord Krishna. The verbal education, in the beginning, did not convince Arjuna who was in a state of confusion and agitation. Though it appears a futile exercise, it is indeed Krishna’s method to establish the fact that attainment of the self is beyond debates, deliberations and delivering discourses. To reveal the metaphysical truths, one needs to realize that inner vision is vital and imminent. This vision opens the doors of reality and one moves beyond the mundane tumults and agonies.
A human is essentially and potentially divine in nature. Infinity within is shrouded by endless thoughts and veiled by desires. By constantly enquiring about the self one can contain and restrain the incessant flow of thoughts finally leading one to understand the limitations of body, mind and intellect.
Atman is an invisible emerging force within. Once the realization of the force is felt, the sensory mechanism attains a state of equilibrium, equanimity and equipoise. This alone is a hallmark of self realization. The inner realm is beyond the comprehension of sense organs, gross body, subtle mind and intellect.
The destiny and cosmic process cannot be comprehended without inner vision. The perfect aid comes handy in the form of Guru of the times, as the Guru has already experienced the metaphysical field of the Atman.
The God, Guru are not different from the self. Seated in the deeper realms of the heart, the Atman sensitizes while Guru helps the one to realize the self. Finally one has to experience and accomplish on his own, of course with the help of the Guru!