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Marakani Dinakar, V. Dharma Suri
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 13
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2013

It was a wintry night in November 1980. Dew was descending gently. The moon is emitting its cool shine. The venue was the Gandipet gardens in Hyderabad.

Amma with a retinue of the closest few made Her presence at the Gandipet gardens strangely in the dead of the night. For us, even AMMA’s thought of such a visit was a matter of immense joy whatever be the time; for AMMA was just convalescing from Her sickness and the attending doctor advised long walks. So whenever we went, we used to carry AMMA’s sofa in the car, along with a few of the things immediately needed for AMMA.

The moment we reached the spot, the moon shone with a gentle brilliance. The boulevards assumed a new aura. The trees were in their finest inflorescence. Each tree and each flower exuded a new fragrance, as if it was specially meant for AMMA.

Nature herself adorned a new glory. Displayed a rare splendor as if it is rejoicing at AMMA’s getting well and Her remarkable recovery. Never could we witness nature in a mood, at once inviting and soothing, speaking a rapture of its own, far beyond words.

Soon after reaching there, AMMA, first seated amidst the fully flowered trees for a few moments. Appeared to have rested, and then was too pleased at the blooming welcome of nature at its full blossom, in the wintry, dewy moon-lit night.

AMMA started making a few paces gently. Everyone followed Her footsteps as always. A few attended AMMA carefully in Her paces. AMMA moved to and fro in a slow rhythm. Paused and watched nature. She, Herself too, was pleased immensely at the welcome of nature.

Every one of us observing this strange, unusual reciprocity, between AMMA and NATURE were overjoyed. Each one was transported into his own private haven of blissful Joy at the joyous confluence of AMMA and Mother Nature. Savored those precious private moments of ecstatic bliss.

Amma started slowly strolling on the neat, regular road with fully blooming, exceedingly fragrant flower laden trees on either side. AMMA, for a few invaluable moments was touched; graced the eternal nature with Her kind, compassionate looks; then expressed a desire that Jillellamudi too should have such boulevards, and such fragrant flower bearing trees.

The greater point of significance is the poignant reminiscence, the memory sweet and powerful in its own way to be cherished eternally. The more telling fact is AMMA’s constant communion with nature and Her total sway over the environs at all points of time.

Brothers and sisters are redeemed fully in witnessing and living through such moments in AMMA’s glorious presence. Probably, these are the moments that ought to be savored again and again as a priceless private legacy, yet, worthy of sharing with the fraternity.

– Courtesy: Matrusri, July-August 1985

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