Supreme and Transcendental, Universal and exotic
Beyond the discrimination of a human life
With in the fold of the hold of the Nature
It is a tune Oriental, shining like Apollo in the Byzantium
The chivalrous valor and cherishing abnormalities
Wharf and woof threaded together like the web of the spider
The mother an idiot-synchrony full of the garb of the Orient
With a flavor of the Ethnic identity
The Mother a rose never blossomed and the Sun never set out
She is the shining monarch of the illegible vacuum
The prophet of the unintelligible cosmos
She is a prophet of love and worshiper of the Humanity
Supra humanist and multi faculty
She is the dazzling glory of the Telugu race
She is a monitoring force of the Feminine character
She is known to be having guru no time
She never proclaimed her to be a preacher
She is a seer predominant over the forces of Creation
She is a preacher of the theme of Consciousness
She is bright and lovely, effective and exhaustive
Conclusive and comprehensive
A plethora of verses cannot describe
The myths can seldom narrate
The greatness undaunted, the Mother of All