In our ancient sanatana dharma, the spiritual practices and rules are well set and
framed for compliance. There are diverse monastic orders too beset with several levels.
Seekers of truth try to join one such order or other if they are very earnest and committed to the spiritual path. The individual in this direction begins as a seeker of truth, turns a spiritual aspirant, becomes a sadhak, eventually grows in the order as per his inclination, potential, and inner evolution.
Each such spiritual order has a head well recognized and revered, could be regarded as the pontiff, the virtual head of this order. Regular succession in the order too prevails as necessitated by time. At times, the successor is identified and inducted even much earlier to be trained and groomed into the position of the chief of the order.
The new entrants are viewed as novices and trained as per the given practices and ordained rules and regulations of the order.
The individuals who stick to the same diligently and evolve are absorbed in the order he joins ordinarily. From all this, the normal gradation in spiritual life is the seeker, aspirant, sadhak, confirmation in the monastery and so on. From then on, he may grow to be the head, pontiff, saint, or a god man respected in the world.
AMMA’S mode is different. AMMA declared, “I am not the Guru, I am the Mother”. Accordingly, I have “sisus and not sishyas” in the vernacular. This means being the motherly incarnation AMMA has only children and not disciples in the conventional sense.
To cite the realistic experience, the moment they see AMMA turn a new leaf in their lives. Almost, unawares, they tread into the spiritual path. Some silent inner change works within. Hence beholding AMMA is considered a rebirth, for the person, with a silent alchemy working from within ever since such ordained moment of grace.
True, pitfalls are not unlikely even in such a tender path. Be rest assured that the caressing hand of AMMA takes care of the stumbling or stray aspirants, setting them gently on the right course once again. AMMA is empathetic towards the foibles, frailties of the children ever ready to redress the same.
In my own case I was very much in the mode and manner of the corporate executive by the time this little self was summoned into AMMA’S gracious presence on the 7th of December 1971, that being my twenty-seventh year.
AMMA’S presence when I was exposed shook, rather jolting me to the innermost core. It was baffling and broke down suddenly; involuntary, copious tears and uncontrollable crying, virtually not knowing myself. It is as if I was ushered into a different zone altogether beyond my senses and perception. Took quite some time to calm down and regain my normal self. Yet to look behind, the normal self-unveiled is new, not hitherto felt and lived. To elaborate, just as the newborn cries soon after entry on to the earth, the individual cries on seeing AMMA, marking a new beginning in life.
Such is the experience of quite a few others too at Jillellamudi before AMMA in the sense I am not alone in this respect. Master Bharadwaja who grew up, rather evolved into a spiritual master on his own with considerable following termed such tears being shed while beholding AMMA as the ‘TEARS OF BAPTISM’. The person is baptized into a new birth and an altogether changed self.
Yet this process is not perceived instantly. The process is silent, gradual, and deeply emanating within. To recall, Master Bharadwaja spent his early years of grooming at Jillellamudi, very much so in HYMA’S presence who was physically present during his stay here before spiritual evolution as the Master with following.
It is befitting to mention at this juncture that some of the present spiritual masters in their early beginning bowed AMMA, offering their obeisance, seeking HER grace, which unraveled their evolution and eventual growth subsequently into spiritual heads. Some in their very childhood, boyhood were fed the sacred morsels by AMMA personally that wrought the subsequent change.
Even the current spiritual heads sought AMMA during HER physical form at Jillellamudi as also now. To cite a few Master EK heading the World Teacher’s Trust, Poornananda Swamy, Sadguru Sivananda, Lakshmana Yetindrulu, Mouna Swamy, Swamy Siddendra Bharathi and quite a few others. At times, they brought their followers, disciples too for AMMA’S BLESSING.
Notable instance is that of His Holiness Swami Chandrasekharendra Saraswathy of the Kanchi Order, much revered as the ‘Walking God’. AMMA reached their monastery in the evening hours. As per their orthodox rules of the order, the Pontiff ordinarily cannot see AMMA.
Yet, when the word reached him of AMMA’S arrival at the doorstep of the monastery, he neared the entrance of their Mutt and stood holding his hands aloft reverently with his authentic staff of the Pontiff and all. He stood there in silent reverence and AMMA too blessed the Pontiff of Kanchi without any verbal exchange. AMMA conveyed after a few moments, that SHE must leave without keeping the revered pontiff waiting in that posture. This is recorded widely as true history.
To be realistic, to capture the history correctly some individuals subject to AMMA’S grace evolved into masters with following on their own. While heads of the orders, other spiritual personalities sought AMMA’S grace quite a few times.
This confirms the powerful transformation AMMA wrought on the personalities seeking the truth, God and exclusively committed to the spiritual domain. Yet in the real world, such individuals are a few in number and others seek only spiritual exposure for better and more harmonious living. Even such day-to-day seekers, spiritual aspirants are blessed abundantly by AMMA, that they grow, evolve, and lead spiritual lives.
In fact, after the initial first exposure, the individual reaches AMMA as often as possible, as AMMA’S GRACE summons him within unknowingly. Gradual change too emanates within after each darshan. As AMMA pronounced “Coming to Jillellamudi never goes in vain”. Each coming has a meaning and purport of its own though unknowingly many times to the person.
To get back to the original premise of AMMA that she is the mother and not the Guru, mother is the first, close and immediate teacher for the child anywhere, anytime. Mother only guides the toddler’s first step; the first word in the child’s prattle. Yet, mother’s words are gentle, endearing, and understanding the child’s life and its limitations. Hence the mother’s precepts are easy to observe, follow and comply with for the person. Thus, the devotee children of AMMA grow and evolve unawares, unknowingly without much of stress, strain in the loving, endearing spiritual ministry of AMMA, the ever loving mother of the children.
This is one facet of the spiritual progress and uplift through AMMA. Another much facile fact, is that AMMA never viewed spiritualism, such pursuit as different or far apart from regular life. AMMA summoned spiritualism much closer to the real life scenario, stating that even daily domestic chores can be deemed as sadhana with a changed application of offering the same to the Almighty, as his service. With such reorientation, spiritual aspiration and pursuit become part of daily life.
The person is saved from the rigid restrictions and constraining rules which if not complied, may disqualify him with the conventional Gurus. With AMMA the process is simple, flexible AMMA’S GRACE working in a subtle mode causing the much needed advancement spiritually. The individual is shepherded on the path with gentle motherly care and love.
In the conventional mode, method and rule overtake the person to the point of meticulous compliance and observance. Deviation puts him off the path. While in this novel approach, AMMA’S MISSION and MINISTRY are simple, steeped in the mother’s loving care and concern. It is verily comforting for the aspirant that AMMA assured, “It is MY bounden duty as the mother to cleanse the child that soils itself”
To recall my own experience, though I am committed to my mother AMMA, regard HER as my only one and only spiritual master that is AMMA. Simply because for an individual to follow one path and one master entirely in life, with total, abject surrender, view it as difficult. It is for the Master being followed to dispose, dispense with our efforts of following on merits. Despite this conditioning, in my life I have been exposed to quite a few other spiritual heads which occurred randomly without my intent or effort.
Such exposure or beholding the other pontiffs, spiritual masters after my regular exposure and service to AMMA. Experience has been that exposure to others did not sway me in any manner. Presumably, individuals following their own method and mode are likely to be impacted. In all such orders without conformity to their rote nothing works, and progress tends to be difficult.
Exposure to AMMA instantly opens the self for quite a few. Even for most others change for the better is inevitable, as AMMA being the mother and not the conventional Guru. Rules and methods are not of much consequence though. Yet the caressing motherly touch inducts the verily needed discipline for the subject from within.
Furthermore, AMMA deemed even the gods and deities as HER children wearing engraved toe rings likewise during HER physical form. AMMA is thus on the inaccessible, unattainable spiritual summit. The grace caused from such heights, consciousness positively acts on the subjects, the devotee children of AMMA unawares, rather unknowingly. Even so, the effect is discernible and felt positively although the process is not perceptible.
Thus, access to AMMA and reaching HER motherly presence, form unveils the consciousness with greater ease and comfort. The mission and ministry of AMMA though deems us as children very much causes the spiritual uplift without much effort, naturally in the individual’s lifetime.