नवोद्भिन्नाम्भोज प्रसून मकरन्द स्सुमधुरो
मनोहारी भूरिप्रसव सुरभिर्मन्द पवनः ।
नभो निर्यद्गङ्गा करपटु रयन्ते करुणया
समूढा मातर्मे कवन परिपाद विदधतु ॥
– ” श्रृंगारलहरी”
O Mother! The sweetest honey flowing from the newly-blossomed lotus flowers, the lovely breeze filled with the fragrance of a variety of flowers and the high velocity of the Ganges shooting down from the heaven – all these associated together may form, with Thy grace, the course of my poetry.