Marakani Dinakar
Magazine : Viswajanani
Language : English
Volume Number : 11
Month : July
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2010

Most of us often see the birds feeding their fledglings. It is quite fulfilling to see the bird putting tiny bits of food into the open beaks of its offspring who expectantly move around her with open beaks edging each other to get a bit of the food. Likewise, the new born puppies hover around the mother dog, often coming in its way and shuffling in between its legs, for suckling at her teats. Similar site is familiar for all of us in respect of the female pigs and their piglets at the time of feeding. It is a truism to say that the mother feeds the offspring till they are on their own and can feed or fend for them.

In case of the plant species, the seed sprouts, germinates and the new sapling emerges. In course of time it could grow into a huge tree with wide branches and dense foliage that nurtures and yields shade for others. Yet it is the seed that feeds the sapling and the eventually growing tree, though the process is not quite apparent or perceptible. Yet in the true sense the seed contains the feeding potential and in essence the motherhood that supports the future life.

If we look around and observe deeply in most processes of nature the process of creating new life and sustaining the same till it reaches a self supporting phase is well contained and evident. In its microcosm, the water drop or the raindrop part of the water cycle in the universe brings forth life, fosters and nurtures the same. As is well pronounced in our scriptures, water is the basis of life.

Our AMMA pronounced that SHE is the provider for all living species, the entire and the whole existence at all times. There could be no overtones in saying our AMMA JILLELLEMUDI is the embodiment of providence for all the existence in its entirety which we have seen in actualization for the past several decades. We have seen the process in intent and realistic expression beyond any shadow of doubt.

Thus SHE provided the hearth at Jillellamudi for fulfillment of this need for all times to come, now and ever. This verily is the hearth that douses the fires of hunger for all evenly with little deviation, or discrimination which is also abundantly seen, felt and experienced.

Now the pointer is that we need to appreciate that  this force embedded in this hearth at Arkapuri is localized only notionally. This indicates the love of AMMA in caring and feeding HER children abounds always and ever all over. For the loving child AMMA is accessible always and SHE cares for and feeds which only needs to be perceived.

When such perception occurs, it is delightful for the child and the feed tends to be delectable becoming AMMA’S feed or more sacredly prasadam which is delivered on the spot at the time of need. It is befitting to narrate one or more of such episodes and shared with the fraternity.

To fondly recall, in the second quarter of the year 1977, I have been working at Bapatla. In the course of my official duties I had to shuttle between Bapatla and Hyderabad for attending some meetings and all. In all such journeys, travel arrangements are usually taken care of by the Bank.

During those days there were not so many rail links from Vijayawada to Bapatla and often rail reservations were being made up to Vijayawada, from where one has the choice of taking a train or bus to Bapatla as per convenience or availability if only to reach earlier. So train reservation was made only up to Vijayawada.

After boarding the train and before it started I was told that there is a convenient train link and therefore thought it better to extend the same ticket by paying the extra amount. I have spoken to the Ticket Collector who has come and accordingly extended the same AC ticket which as was unexpectedly realized by me costs much more. After paying for the same my pocket was almost emptied and left with only five rupees and some coins which made me feel a little insecure.

Then I reckoned within, the travel time is just six hours and a little more and I can reach home even for a late dinner at home, as I have boarded the train at Hyderabad in the afternoon. In the meantime I can afford one coffee and tea which satisfies my survival needs. Thinking thus I just stay put without any further thought and lapsed into myself.

Just a while before the train was about to start the concerned SBI Regional Manager covering Bapatla Branch boarded the same train with his retinue of two or three executives all known to me. Strangely or by way of singular coincidence they were all accommodated nearby my seat.

Obviously the duties of hospitality devolve on those executives as the staff accompanying the Regional Manager. They were ordering snacks and tea, coffee intermittently. Every time and for each single order, they were also covering me, also followed by concern and solicitous enquiries worded like “Mr.Dinakar / Dinakar, “Have you had or have you taken”, after placing each order. With the result I was not merely fed and served but shown care and more than ordinary attention which could not have been there even if I spent the same from my pocket.

Thus well fed and well filled with both solid and liquid, got down at Bapatla for a nominal or perfunctory dinner, having had more than an ordinary fill till then. Thus food was served to me in a regal manner and attention at the time when it was needed or most, or when because of unseen circumstances, I could not have afforded personally in that degree and fulfillment. This was experiencing providence (AMMA) in reality beyond words.

To cite another similar experience but of a different kind, every year in the recent past, we have been running the AMMA’S STALL at the All India Industrial Exhibition at Hyderabad as most of you know.

There will be intense and hectic activity in the days preceding the inauguration and more so on the day of opening the Stall by the evening. Usually on the opening day of the Stall, for ensuring the time schedule, I always opt to stay at the Stall without even breaking for lunch, to avoid any last minute hiccups. With the result one has to skip or forego lunch which is never the issue at such crucial moments.

But AMMA does not think so, as our hunger is HER singular concern and not to be brushed aside.

Therefore some refreshments, ears are always made available and reach us by lunch time or so that we do not go hungry. (Usually, this is the courtesy of Brother Subba Rao son of Sri R.Satyanarayana, veteran of Jillellemudi who verily acts as the human intermediary unawares in this process.)

Here if we recall AMMA at Jillellamudi whenever we are working or on some task with the college students, SHE always used to send something to eat quite often Upma as it is easy to serve. Once the tiffin was sent even to the drain bund (please refer ‘Pump House’ article in VISWA JANANEE), at the time of lunch or whenever AMMA thought we are hungry and need some food. At the Exhibition Grounds, I could not but fondly recall the experiences I had at Jillellamudi with AMMA prior to June 1985, with great delight and immense happiness.

Such instances give me the undoubted and undeniable feeling that our AMMA is there eternally ever after June 1985, to care,. feed and give us HER love even ever after. I wish this feeling or thought if all of us get deeply entrenched, to be more precisely ingrained, gives each one of us associated with AMMA during HER presence, a lot of comfort and cozy secure being.

In terms of our scriptures and the conventional wisdom both in the east and the west it is well understood that ‘GOD PROVIDES’. In the west, saying ‘grace’ at the dinner table conveys this. In our case ‘AMMA PROVIDES’ who is not far or apart from the divine but more close and within easier reach, very much like or much more than the human mother.

Of this we shall be ever conscious and cherish in our minds with a deep yearning the presence of AMMA, and in some cases our invaluable association with AMMA.

*(In view of the feedback from the readers on uncommon or difficult words being used, I wish to elaborate on the title “VICTUALS”. The word ‘victuals’ which literally as per the dictionary means ‘supply of food, food materials’ and so on. But the word has an implied meaning that such a supply of food is not specific to time and place. Further, in its derivative and root form, the word also connotes ‘sustaining life’ which aptly conveys the theme or the essential spirit of these episodes.)

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