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VISION of Worship

Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 20
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2021


A meditation for your daily use

Amma, today I expand my awareness of AMMA’s Love. I love AMMA. I love AMMA. I love AMMA in the sun, the rain, the storm, the flowers, the thorns on the roses and the smell of the flowers.

In AMMA’s Love I worship all of life. I worship the learning, the growing and all the challenges of life. Within me is the greatest, most wonderful inner sanctuary, my Spirit.

I worship AMMA. I worship AMMA’s Love, wisdom and power that is always present within me. I worship the ever-present peace that permeates my total being.

I have the clear realization that wherever I am and whatever I’m doing, AMMA is always within and is that activity. I worship AMMA within my walking, driving, cleaning, sleeping, swimming, gardening, loving and all that I do.

I rejoice in the worship of AMMA within all of life everywhere. by Anonymous.

AMMA (Anasuya Devi)

If one took the body of Anasuya Devi to be all of MOTHER…. You really do not know the complete AMMA only that which is all is Amma (Mother of Jillellamudi). SHE is all. Who am I and who are you of are our friends or relatives. The essence of all (mother) is spirit (or AMMA).

There is no union or separation; nor is there a world to say some. There is only the all pervading SELF again. There is only the One… There is only AMMA again. God is whatever there is God & Self of the world are all one in spirit (essence).

There is no you or I or their world. There is only all pervading AMMA (Divine Mother) Only that which is all, is mother Divine.

Mind, matters and the highest are all one. What is there that the highest goal is not in for anyone to say of anything “this is the Highest Goal Mataji Anasuya Devi & Anandamayi ma.

The Highest is here now. Where is SHE not? Let anyone say anything, this is the highest Goal. All this which is his creation, Anasuyadevi of Jillellamudi is in his disputation in his presence and verity is HE. In whatever state He keeps one, it is all for the best. Fortunately, everything is of HIM and is by HIM. Anandamayi ma.

There is no one next to one at any time, but GOD. One is in all, GOD is all in one. God in every form. Name and attribute.

Today, I am grateful for the Sun and the Sun rays that give life to every plant. Animals and human beings. I am thankful for my parents and friends, for saints of holy men and women. 


GOD or SPIRIT is in the thoughts we think.

There is no spot where the Highest is not! All of us are here by the will and power of the most High. Only what is spirit or god desires happen Yet at once is spirit eternally the same, always all pervading, all penetrating, all knowing, silent, still, all blissful or complete.


The universe itself is Divine MOTHER.

“The Divine universal mother is the universe” – Anasuyadevi, 

Divine mother will alone is being done today. All contained within are Sri ma.

There is no one next to me today but Mother

There is no one next to you today, but Divine AMMA 

There is no one next to anyone today but the Highest,

Only THAT which is all, in Divine AMMA (MOTHER).

There is no one next to anyone today but the Most high.

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