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Rajupalepu Ramachandra Rao
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 9
Month : July
Issue Number : 3
Year : 2010

On 26-12-1957 I went to Jillellamudi with my family. Sri Ramaraju Krishna Murthy, a law student, was also present. In him one could see childhood. In the evening Sri M. Butchiraju Sarma (Raju) sang his songs. The word “Rodasi Kuhara” baffled me and it was explained as infinite sheep. Sri A. Srinivasa Rao garu told me that Mother said nobody would go there in vain. Sri B. Akkiraju Garu showed great emotion when he heard about Mother speaking to her turkey contacts in a trance. Then prasadam was distributed to all.

I received a call from Mother to go over for Mukkoti on 1-01-1958, through Sriharsha Rao Garu. Fourteen of us had been to Jillellamudi and reached the place by 10 AM. I could not fathom at once any special significance then. Mother asked all of us to take a bath and then to break coconuts. Sri Gopalarao garu, elder brother of Smt. Gajendramma was also present. It seemed that he had more familiarity with mother as he was visiting Jillellamudi for some time. He said that he would help to install a boring pump in the premises if there is a possibility of getting fresh water. He asked Mother about a suitable place. Mother said that she had no idea. He became slightly angry and said that he would not be coming there again until called for. His freedom looked a bit strange to me. Till that time I had been to several great people. I used to be at a distance treating them with due respect. In the true essence of the term, Mother here, had been giving so much of freedom to her children and it was a new experience for me. So when Mother asked us to break coconuts before the deity, Sri Gopala Rao garu said”. While you are here before us, why should we break them before a framed image? You please sit Mother and we will break coconuts before you”. First he, and then all of us broke coconuts before Mother. Mother gave us all teertha and prasada.

After food we all gathered again. Mother told us some anecdotes from the past. She explained why parties and enmity developed between people in Jillellamudi. Then she explained about her visit to Tenali and her going to a cinema theater there. The rickshaw puller there with an intention of stealing her gold ornaments took them in a wrong path. Suddenly one Mr. Sambaiah appeared before them and asked the rickshaw puller where he was taking them. Perhaps guessing his evil intentions, he accompanied them for safety. On reaching home, Mother said, she gave him rupees five and sent him away. Then She explained how attempts were made by people belonging to a rival faction to put an end to her life and how they could not succeed. These were given as examples to destiny: they would happen if destined but would not succeed otherwise.

The same night symptoms could be seen that the wife of Sri Reddi Bhima Subbaiah was soon going into labor pains before delivery. Mother told them to send word to the midwife. But because there was a quarrel between them, they refused to call her. That night at about 1’0 Clock only one leg and hand of the child came out and told them to take her to Bapatla Hospital in a palanquin. Before they did so, Mother took some vermilion (kumkum), went to her and came back. We could observe her restlessness till morning. In the morning news came that there were twins, and though the first one died, she delivered the second child safely. From the moment they went to Bapatla till the moment of delivery Mother could be seen with her mind fully occupied elsewhere. However we could not gauge at that time, how far Mother was responsible.

On 8-01-1958 I went to Jillellamudi again. During this week I went through Aurobindo, Mother, Woodroffe, and Russel in tune with infinity by Ralph Waldo Trine. In them I could observe that everything in creation has life (2) those in tune with infinite require no separate nourishment like food and that they could absorb what they need from the cosmic energy (3) such people will be in the know how of events and the reasons for such events and (4) there won’t be any duralities in such a stake and (5) everything would be according to a prearranged plan (Vidhi-Vidhanamu).

These things first I heard through Mother and then I found the printed matter, as if to confirm them.

That night (on 8th) Mother told that Aurobindo tried to conquer death physically too. But later realized the futility of such an effort, for 3 to 7 days he did not relinquish the body even after death but left it there after. She only asked, “Son, did Aurobindo write anywhere about the past truths or about the future events after the fall of his body? From this question it became obvious that only those who knew about this union of the sperm cell and the ovary alone could know about the events before and after death, and the predestined plan. Whether Mother knew this or not is a different question but there definitely is a possibility.

That evening, on Friday, Sriharsha Rao Garu was performing puja to Mother. As it was going on, news reached us that the Jamindar with his entourage came up to the culverts. Previously Sri Mannava Ramarao garu was talking about their plans to visit Jillellamudi and as they would be coming in cars, he was stressing about the need to repair the road and to make preparations to honor them suitably. But today, unexpectedly they came while a puja was going on. No Separate treatment was given to them. They too entered the hut through the short door, bending their heads and sat on the floor along with others.

All through the day I was thinking about the porcelain jar, Snake pit, serpent, sky etc., and Mother’s saying that earth is the base. Just as in woodroffe’s serpent power, Pridhvi, the earth is the Mooladhara or the base, the snakepit would be the mind. Blood, life breath and soil in the body might be represented by the Symbols like jar, pit, serpent etc like the ancient example of Ghata Para Akasa (sky in the pot and outside). Serpent power would be the place of union for the two like pot and the pit. (All this, ofcourse is my process of thinking but it is not told by Amma).

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